And Now For Round 2

Looking back, I've realized that it has been nearly a year since the original announcement about this project!  Yes, I haven't been great at keeping everyone up to date about what's been going on.  

Since the initial announcement, I've tested the initial prototypes and quickly realized that the scope of the project was outgrowing what the hardware could support. And after a search for another device that would further the goal of making a simple-to-use platform that didn't leave people wishing it was smaller or had more horsepower, I settled upon another processor...


For the past couple of weeks we've been working with the 0xF413 microMighty prototypes. So far, I'm pretty fired up about the board. I has some pretty cool features that are unique to the platform that I can't wait to talk a little more about.  

There has also been lots and lots of work being done to refine the platform APIs and porting the language that forms the core of microMighty.  


But the day has come to include the lessons we have learned into a long awaited second round of boards. And this time...  

we ordered 100!